LearnCAP 2020
For the 2020-2021 school year, schools are not required to generate a full Local Control Accountability Plan. Instead, the state released a template for a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan. Charter schools are required to get feedback from the public on a draft of their plan.
WCA requests your feedback and will respond to your feedback on our plan at a videoconference meeting on Tuesday, September 1st at 5:00 PM. The videoconference link will be posted here before the meeting and the draft LCAP plan is linked below. To receive your feedback, we ask you to fill out the Google Form on the last page of the draft plan. We will respond to each question/comment supplied via this form at the public meeting on September 1st.
Here is the link to the videoconference: https://hemetusd-org.zoom.us/
See the LearnCAP Draft and the Special Meeting Agenda below.